Cost for calls, texting, direct mail

Support Team

Last Update 3 maanden geleden

Current communication & direct mail fees.

Email: free

Cost Per Virtual Number per month: $1.50

Cost Per Minute For Phone Calls: $0.0250

Cost Per Minute Call Record: $0.005

Ringless Voicemail: $0.0600

Caller number lookup: .015

Contact number carrier lookup: .015

Contact email verification: .02

SMS Text: $0.02 per message segment

MMS Text: $0.05 per message segment

4×6 Printed Postcard with postage: $1.49 each

6×9 Printed Postcard with postage: $1.89 each

Printed letter w/ envelope and postage: $3.29 each

Greet card w/ envelope and postage: $2.49 each

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