How to connect your personal email

Support Team

Last Update hace un año

Log in to your CRM Account

  1. Go to your Settings from the tabs on the left
  2. Click on Email Settings
  3. You should now be on the Email Provider page. Now click on choose another email provider from the top right
  4. Choose to Connect personal mail
  5. Enter the email address. It’s recommended to use the email that you can sync your calendar with.
  6. Click on YES. This will route you to log in to your email.
  7. You may see a prompt “The app is requesting access to sensitive info” – Click on Advanced and Go to
  8. Nylas (Our server) will be asking permission to your account. Click on continue.
  9. For some cases, there are checkboxes to click on before proceeding to “OK”.
  10. Once you are done, it will route you back 

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